Was a good song, but not a good idea.
And so we dream. Every night you go to bed and dream and every night, I also go to bed and dream.
We laugh and often our first words the next morning are “My gosh, I had the craziest (weirdest, saddest, sexiest, wildest, most puzzling) dream last night” and then tell all about it.
But once you begin to understand the meaning of your dreams, you stop broadcasting them to the world, for it’s most akin to undressing in public. Rather, you share them with one you can trust implicitly, or save and ponder in your own silent heart.
For the fact is, if it’s a dream we remember, we can be sure it has a message. For us. The dreams that are the result of eating, or drinking too much, a sudden noise, or getting twisted in the blankets, are meaningless and soon forgotten. But pay attention to those you remember. It’s you, talking to you.
I once had a horrible dream, repeated three consecutive nights. Oh, there were differences, but all with the same message, bothered me, and finally sent me to a doctor. Three days after seeing him I was operated upon and said TYG many times over.
Our dreams, the experts tell, consist of the unconscious part of ourselves trying to communicate with our conscious part. My dreams are me, talking to me, and yours are you talking to you. Well, except for the ones mentioned above.
They are trying to give us a warning (see above) or where we could use help in our daily lives. And everything, every T-H-I-N-G, in that dream is us. If we see ourselves in a messy, cluttered house, that house is us, and the dream is telling us that something in our life, needs ‘cleaning up’.
And watch which room, bedroom, bath, kitchen, basement, garage, you’re in. It all has meaning. Your car is you, and if you are driving up hill, good for you, you’re on the right course, and if going downhill, pay attention, for in some way, you’re headed the ‘other’ way. Bathrooms are clean-up messages, and are worth pondering over.
Our dreams reflect the culture and thinking of the era we live in. When Freud first dipped into our dreams, he came up with the fact that 95% of dreams were concerned with sex. And he was right, too. For that day and age.
The world of his time was an inhibited place. with sex a big no-no. Unmentionable. So, his clients, in that locked-in-concrete atmosphere, had dreams of sexual freedom. But, I understand, in today’s world, where there is sexual freedom never before known, our dreams are gradually reflecting a desire for change. Of course there are exceptions, but I understand that ‘home, and picket fence’ are beginning to be reflected in dreams. Oh, not for you, or me, but that’s what the experts are finding. No fooling.
Not Puritanism. but ’tis said, that when the pendulum goes too far either way, in any aspect of life, our dreams nudge us toward what is ‘normal’.
We too are told to look at our dreams, as was Joseph, in Biblical times. And the same as Joseph, everything is in symbols, left for us to interpret, and dreams do not come with sub-titles. To-day, the majority of our dreams (like it or not), are not of sex.
But remember, dream symbols are explicit. Terribly explicit. Surprisingly explicit. Sometimes horribly explicit. So if you decide to figure out what ‘You are trying to tell yourself’ don’t hide half your dream as being ‘not nice’, or shiver and say, “I would never do that”. Take a second look, knowing it’s only a symbol, and that everything in that dream is you. Don’t toss it aside, for some part of you is struggling to where your dreams are pointing. And there are no Information Booklets.
Get your self a good dream book, (not from the supermart), and begin to pay attention to how you, are trying to bring harmony into your life. It’s sorta fun, and sometimes, as what happened to me, can be very good for your health. It’s one great big eye opener as to how smart we really are.
“The Dream Book”, by Betty Bethards, published first in 1983 and still going strong, is used as a textbook, and highly recommended. It cost $13.00 about 25 years ago. Try Amizon and get one for less than $5.00. It’s good stuff.